Monthly Archive: June 2017


Watch your step!

Life can often times seem like a walk in the dark with a torch… All we can see is the next step! And it is only when we cast the next step, that we...

Be Yourself! Be Original!!

Be yourself! Be original!!!

Who was your role model growing up? Who did you want to be like? And who do you want to be like now? You may recall yourself saying as a kid, “When I grow...

Double standards….

Do you like eating fish? For thousands of years now, man has been fishing! Assuming that over 80% of the world population eats fish, that is roughly 4.5 billion people that eat fish…. Is...

Be opinionated…

If you want to do anything worthwhile, be opinionated! Hold a strong view point! And be clear enough on the subject to where you can stand your ground and defend your opinion… Many people...


I have always defined composure as the ability to focus inwards… at all times! Most people allow a very narrow definition of this extremely important aspect of human maturity. defines composure as “serene,...