5Y Solutions, Inc.

Save 50% on Software Development Costs and Time
We know what IT can do… we depend on it… we are excited about the possibilities…. And there is cool stuff surfacing every day!
But!!! When it comes to making your own ideas come to life… you have to deal with where to start… or the insurmountable, non-sustainable costs, the long development cycles, the bugs, missing functionality, non-responsive UIs… and right when you feel you have that web application all done, you realize that your application does not all run on iPhones and iPads and tablets…. Oh! How about those watches and AR… VR!!!
Dealing with developers can be difficult! They are expensive and by the time you have someone trained, they leave!!! And you never have enough of them… and you always have enough to deal with, with them!!!
Enter 5Y with BOS and DevOps!!! http://www.5yinc.com
We understand what it can be like! We have been through it all…. and many times over!
And that… over 50 engagements across half a dozen geographies and a dozen industries!!!
From the combined experiences gained from our experiences dealing with various types of situations, requirements, technologies, environments and developers…. we built BOS!
BOS is an ideal fit for technology teams with less than 30 members and for early and mid-stage startups!
We realize that there can be no silver bullet…. But there is a better way!!!
BOS gives you the essential framework of all those “engine house” elements that you really assume exist in your product, but they rarely do (at least not at the level you would expect them) ….
Only 9% of the projects fail due to poor implementation of business logic! 67% of the products fail because of restrictive architectures and baseline constructs…. Users and Roles with Attribute level control, security framework, configurable warnings, notifications, versioning, audit-logging, roll-back functionality, server monitoring and alerting, easy to read graphs and reports, digital asset management, scheduling and task management, analytics, data integration and warehousing, … the list goes on….
These are under the hood items and most business owners and customers expect them… As they should! But technology teams need time and it costs money… and you will never have them all!!!
BOS is a big portion of that engine… We built it to integrate with your existing products or to layer your requirements over BOS….
This helps reduce your technology development costs and work load by more than 50%. And better still, there is a dedicated team of experienced engineers, testers and IT staff that is working constantly at improving this core engine. And you get all the updates and new functionality just for owing a BOS License.
Any software product that is developed, must have three major components: Core functionality, IT Infrastructure and your Business Logic including the UI/ Presentation Layer.
With BOS, the backend core functionality and IT Infrastructure become readily available. This helps reduce at least 6 to 8 months of effort from a 6-8-member team. This is direct savings in costs and time to you. You can focus on what is truly important to your business, viz., how you want the product to function, look and feel.
In addition, our team of highly competent engineers will work with you to define your business requirements and can very quickly layer them on top of BOS to get you a functioning product that can be put in market in no more than 3 to 4 months. This is a huge contrast from most enterprise class software development projects which require anywhere from 9 to 12 months or more from concept to realization. With an average experience of over 10 years, you will get a dedicated team working with you to bring all essential software specialties that you will need.
Furthermore, from the experiences gained from our various engagements, we have been able to perfect Agile project delivery using DevOps. This is a continuous development, continuous delivery, continuous feedback model which will allow you to start using the product within the first 4 weeks of initiating the project. With this, you will be in control of the direction of your product and of the project without having to spend much time.
Read through the features that BOS readily offers below. Let us know if you are interested in talking to 5Y about how you can develop your software at half the cost and in half the time without compromising quality… and with little stress.
- Security Framework…
- Users can assume multiple User Types, Configurable Roles… Super admin can delete a user but a department head can only view him
- Audit and activity logging… who did what and when… did he do what he said he did or was going to do… trace history….
- Exception handling and error logging… why am I seeing an error….
- Alerts and warnings…
- Notifications…
- Digital Asset Management… versioning, compression, encoding, encryption, auto zip, uncompress, sharing…
- Emailing…
- Calendering, scheduling, event management, task management, meeting scheduler…
- Team Messaging, Texting and chatting….
- e-Commerce and Retail Solutions….
- Big Data, Trending, Forecasting, Predictive Analysis…
- Data Analytics… Integrate with Google Analytics, Yahoo Flurry….
- Social site integration…. Google mail, google calendar, one drive, drop box, FB, YouTube, Instagram…
- Integration with QuickBooks, CRM, ERP….
- Resource files… why can’t I configure what that notification says? Why can I not configure my email response?
- Localization… geography recognition, time zones, currencies, multi-lingual capabilities….
- Presentation across all devices… Agnostic!!! iOS, Android, web, integration with wearables, IoT…
- Integration with your existing systems… You are tired of all the systems you already have. Allow us to integrate them using BOS while adding the functionality to need