Waking up midway through your dream

Waking up midway through your dreams
It’s not like I am used to taking an afternoon nap, but the past few weeks have been unusually demanding. My body needed some rest and as I sank into my couch, I slipped into a weird dream.
It’s more the time between sleep and when i woke up that intrigued me! Here it goes:
In the real world, I advise a couple of universities on their Data Sciences programs. In my dream however, I was a student walking into a data sciences class. I was going into my class after a week long break and I saw a new person in place of my professor. I did not recognize any of the students either. The professor had a problem on the board which looked like part white board and part TV, a large one! It had a fence and some red lego looking posts. The question related to this fence, but he asked something about the problems with Data Science as a discipline today.
Two of my class mates gave lame answers. I had the answer, but I was somehow overwhelmed and as I tried to speak, I had my lips tightly held against the other. I could not release a single word properly and in but a few seconds, I realized that I might be experiencing ‘sleep paralysis’.
“But this was real; how could I be suffering sleep paralysis in my real life?”
Before I had to answer that question, I found myself fighting back into the real world and soon enough, I was up on my bed!
A thought crossed my mind as I was in this zone between my dream and being awake. For a little while there, the dream felt so real, that I was sure that that was my reality. My professor, the classroom, the fence with the lego posts, my classmates, the smell, the temperature, the lighting… Everything was real! The moment I was awake, none of that existed!
Is death the same? They say that when you die, you wake up into your reality; that life is but a dream, for the ultimate reality is what lies beyond!
If that were true, we know from the passing away of the innumerable lives that we see almost everyday, that we continue to exist here, in our reality, while they wake up to their ultimate reality!
Then did my professor, my classmates and all the others that I had seen in my dream, truly exist? And do they continue in their reality as I passed away from their reality to wake up into mine?
This happens to each one of us, many times during our sleep. Is this the multi-dimensional world that the scientific community is trying to prove? Strange!
What do you think?