Situation – Behavior – Impact
You more than likely must have heard of the SBI feedback model….
Given a situation, what is the resultant impact of your behavior? The feedback that you receive (especially in cases of negative impact) helps you understand that the alternate Impact that would have resulted from a different Behavior… also called the SBIBI model… Situation – Behavior – Impact – alternate Behavior – alternate Impact….
Human memory somehow is selective about those “situations” where the “impact” was not so great and we typically forget our own “behavior”… we attribute the impact to the situation or to the behavior of the others…
You can only go so far influencing how others behave! The one person you can definitely influence is yourself…
You were in that situation… you felt the impact… but the behavior that triggered everything was yours as well (at least at some level)!
Let the sole impact of any situation be a result of your own behavior and not that of the others…