The fundamental attribution error….

The fundamental attribution error
When something happens, we attribute it to someone or something based on our perceptions without necessarily checking into the facts!
Psychologists call this a fundamental attribution error!
Also, it is not unreasonable to say that what we see and understand from a certain context does not necessarily pronounce exactly what it is, in all its completeness… in all of its diversity!
Most things have more complexity… more depth… more variables associated with them, than what it might seem like from the surface.
The natural human tendency then would be to paint it in that hue, that seems most glaring at that point in time….
The Legal System is as complex as it is and it takes as much time to resolve each case for this precise reason… to ensure that all perceptions are eliminated to surface the truth!
This is also the purpose of verbose contracts and agreements between individuals and entities…. to bring in the lead measures that then help navigate them past those fundamental attribution errors that could result in major negative impacts.
As capable and smart are you are, you still have your limits to how completely you can view somebody, no different from how completely someone else is able to view you.
This fundamental attribution error is what leads to the most trusted and potentially beautiful long relationships to fall apart….
“If this has happened, that must be because he had not done something”….
“What I heard of him was right! Look at what’s in front of us now!!!”….
“If he is from such and such a community, he must be of this type”….
Life’s more complex than to be able to encapsulate in a simple “IF…. THEN….” rule!
Let’s make it simple! And simple comes from not becoming judgmental… but from becoming non-judgmental… by being open! By being trusting!! By giving the benefit of doubt to the other!!!
Stop assuming… stop concluding too quickly! There could be more to it…. There is more to be achieved together!!!
A n
ice one exhorting people to open their minds……….good