Category: Thoughts on Life

Fear of loss is the strongest emotion!!!

Fear of loss is the strongest emotion!!!

Buying something new does not please you like finding an item you lost…. Entering into a new relationship does not satisfy you like getting back the person you thought was nearly snatched away…. It’s...

Understanding Life

Understanding Life

The more I understand life, the more do I understand that I understand very little and there is a lot more to understand… It is strangely exciting and humbling a feeling!

Don’t Endure Life… Celebrate it!!!

Don’t Endure Life… Celebrate it!!!

Your culture, education, faith, elders, history and most times you yourself have encircled you in unforgiving fences! “Can’t do that”… “That is wrong”… “That amounts to selfishness”… “That’s too risky”… “You can get that...

What is real? 

What is real? 

When you dream… you see things… people… places… just like you do when you are awake… It feels so real!!! And some of those experiences stay on with you… And when you are awake…you...