The past cannot be cured… It can only be ignored….
Human memory is not short… there is no such thing as forgetting hurt that you sustained. How long a certain incident and the residual emotion haunts you changes from person to person and from...
Entrepreneur, Technology Strategist, Innovator, Leader
Human memory is not short… there is no such thing as forgetting hurt that you sustained. How long a certain incident and the residual emotion haunts you changes from person to person and from...
People spend months and years working hard… If they are honest with themselves, in many cases, viewing things in the rear view mirror will reveal how little has been accomplished… how much time just...
There is not a person that has not experienced these at some level… the fact that all of these words exist and have come to become so well used should tell us that these...
The self-impeding Human Thought complimented by the constraining Society… They say that an average person uses less than 2% of his brain… And the overwhelming majority of people are extremely satisfied with what they...
Buying something new does not please you like finding an item you lost…. Entering into a new relationship does not satisfy you like getting back the person you thought was nearly snatched away…. It’s...
The more I understand life, the more do I understand that I understand very little and there is a lot more to understand… It is strangely exciting and humbling a feeling!
Your culture, education, faith, elders, history and most times you yourself have encircled you in unforgiving fences! “Can’t do that”… “That is wrong”… “That amounts to selfishness”… “That’s too risky”… “You can get that...
Getting off the swing is tough! Yet that’s the purpose!!! The end game is Unity with the “all-pervading, indwelling Self”… And no matter what culture, geography, time-period or belief system one may be from,...
If you have spent a day without learning something new, you have spent your day in vain… Allocate at least fifteen minutes a day to reading something new… It will help you reflect… ignite...
When you dream… you see things… people… places… just like you do when you are awake… It feels so real!!! And some of those experiences stay on with you… And when you are awake…you...