Monthly Archive: March 2017

Want to, can and will….

Want to, can and will….

Most people want to… many of them probably can… Only a hand full of people will do it…. You probably want to do something…. You more than likely hold the capability to do it…....

True happiness lies in honor….

True happiness lies in honor….

True happiness lies in honor…. And honor is recognizing that you are honorable by nature…. but the psychological regression that you bring upon yourself causes you to diminish your honor…. Stand strong so you...

The two determining factors….

The two determining factors….

While determining the value of a vendor, an employee, a client or some other relationship, ask yourself these two questions: 1. The Hard Value: Does this entity offer superior value in terms of price,...

Private Vs Secret conversations….

Private Vs Secret conversations….

Look up ‘Secret’ and ‘Private’ in the dictionary…. They have very different meanings! Not everyone has any business to poke their noses into the ‘Private’ affairs of you… your family… your department… your organization!...

A way to leadership….

A way to leadership….

Knowing yourself is the first step to leadership…. And that means you are able to gain the clarity of being, to know clearly, who you are, in relation to where you want to go…....