Evidence or Evident

Evidence or Evident
“It does not matter what is Evident. I believe only what has Evidence”….
Drawing the line between when this statement applies and when the alternate path needs to be adopted is difficult and any unyielding stance in this regard could be detrimental to progress.
Consider law: The length of time that each case is tried even when the crime is obvious for want of evidence is sad. By the same token, the number of instances where criminals go scot-free given the evidences they can conjure up is shameful.
In the scientific world, years can be lost proving what is but a foundational step to something much larger because established norms disallow bypassing of rudimentary steps that hold little importance in the grand scheme!
On the flip side, cut corners in the drug study world… and as much as the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry would like for us to think otherwise, inadequate evidence could be life-threatening. Why chance life for unproven drugs without gathering the Evidence that what is Evident to that R&D chemist is in fact true!
To an investor that invests in start-ups, the risk of chancing his money on just barely adequate Evidence of the concept, is the price for the entrepreneur giving away a sizable portion of what could only be Evident in the years to come. But what if he passes off the risk waiting for it to become Evident?
It boils down to the odds that stack up against what is Evident in relation to the Evidence that can be put together up until that point in time… And that is a factor of the individual… the entity or the society!
What have you lately waited on for Evidence, despite what was Evident to you?