Fulfill your dreams… Be in charge of your life!

Fulfill your dreams
Most people lose entire lifetimes living up to the expectations of other people…
Reasons can vary, but the end result is, you are submitting yourself unto the dictates of someone that does not completely get where you are coming from… does not fully share your dreams and goals… does not live your life!
Let’s not mistake what I am saying here for ignoring the love that others may have for us…. And I definitely don’t subscribe to the callous lifestyle of doing things at others’ cost… or hurting them!
People do care… they may genuinely want your success… and it is with that assumed belongingness… that feeling of oneness… that they lay their loving authority over you. And it is perfectly acceptable… nay, lofty, to give in!
But… If that amounts to giving up on your dreams… reconsider! You should make every attempt not to hurt those that love you… but that includes yourself!
Giving up on your dreams can be the most hurtful thing! Living up to someone else’s expectations could often times, put you in a compromised situation, causing you not to live life to the fullest!
Greatness can be achieved only by being great… And to be great, you must be yourself!
Don’t live others’ life for them. If there are 3 people that love you, you have at least 4 different expectations… those 3 + yours… that you may be constantly balancing… What a colossal wastage of energy!
Focus on what you want to do… Explain it to them… Some salesmanship will go a long way… Enroll them in your thought process… help them understand how their expectations of you may be interfering with your hopes of yourself.
Everyone will love you for realizing your dreams…. The alternative is to be in a perpetual act of winning the liking of others! It will not get you too far!
Live for the fulfillment of your dreams… Be happy! Be Successful! Spread Success! Spread happiness!
Great article exhorting us not to be victims of love and feelings, but to use that asset as a catalyst. NICE