Why fight over expressions and attempts???
Today being Ganesh Chaturthi (birthday of the elephant headed God who helps eliminate all obstacles), I feel like sharing my view on the Divine…
Before my friends who know little about the Great Hindu code start concluding that Hinduism is polytheistic, I want to stand them corrected that Hinduism is Panentheistic, theologically speaking… Meaning that ‘there is Only God’; quite different from ‘there is only one God’ and certainly very different from ‘there are multiple Gods’. In that therefore, the Hindu tradition tells us that the Creator and the Creation are the same! I will reserve more on the Hindu thought for later…
Back to my topic…
It is truly childish (and sad) that there should be as much intolerance, violence, unrest, hatred and fanaticism in the name of religion. Religion is but a way to realize the Divine/ to attain God/ to become one with the Ultimate Truth… No matter how you state it, it is but an expression… An attempt… For that ONE Supernal Ineffable energy or being is boundless…
It is absurd to say that God is boundless and yet bind the boundless to boundaries saying ‘this is God’ and ‘that is not’! The finite infinite??? An oxymoron!!!
When a school of thought says that ‘this is the ONLY way’, it is in essence saying, ‘thou shalt not express Him in any other way but the way I am prescribing’… Is it possible to express the boundless in but one way!!! Is that not ego? And when a religion says I mean ‘Peace’ but I condemn all those that don’t “believe” like I do to a fanatic extent, is that even an expression of that Divine???
We are all but “attempting” to “express” the Divine, which is boundless and infinite and by definition cannot be expressed completely in any physical manner…. In that, all of what we do in the name of religion, belief, faith, etc are but expressions which complement each other….
How about simply accepting the Universality of the Ultimate that can be expressed in any number of ways and together experience that absolute bliss as against becoming warriors or crusaders who are set out to fight and convert the rest of the world into a single expression that can NEVER capture that which cannot be captured!