Expect indiscipline but do not give up on individuals being disciplined…
How then do organizations and societies and nations succeed???
Build a ‘Systemic Process’ that helps get things done…. Where individual inefficiencies are accounted for, indiscipline in individuals taken as a fact of life and team productivity bench marked at a reasonable level where business can still be carried out at a reasonable level…
How do we build a Systemic Process? Well! Here goes…
The basic premise: “Human participation is to be governed and encapsulated within the boundaries of highly enforced transparent accountability processes where people cannot cheat the system and go scot-free”
– Draw a strategy around your vision
– Break the strategy into tangible goals/milestones each of which will progressively add up to the realization of the final strategy
– Define the outcome expected from each goal
– Break the outcome into major tasks
– Let the people working in this vehicle tell you how they are going to accomplish each major task… this in essence will become their to do list or their task list… This must have the dates, the dependencies and gate criteria based on which you are able to ascertain their completion
– Have a score card to monitor progress of each task while ensuring that everything is coordinated
– Review the score card constantly… Daily/ weekly/ monthly as applicable
– Ensure that this process is understood, respected and enforced…
Sounds difficult? It is if you are not disciplined… But if you are disciplined, you are probably already doing it at some level!!!
Remember… Do not commit the mistake of focusing on every single individual; it is impossible!
Focus on the whole… And focus on those few individuals who get it… who have the strength to get past the ‘congenital sickness’ called indiscipline… for they will be the ones that will light the torch of discipline in those that they influence and so on….
You will see results sooner than you will expect…
The first order of business however, is to determine if you suffer from indiscipline yourself or if you have conquered it! Hopefully you have… or are on the road to doing it!
Best of luck:)