An Engineering Approach to Solving Life’s Problems

An Engineering approach to solving Real Life Problems
To be able to solve a problem, you must know two things: The Variables and the Constants. The more the constants, the easier the problem!
Complex problems have very few known constants. Solving a complex problem then entails breaking it into small simpler problems. This in essence, is the process of arriving at a greater number of constants and reducing the number of variables.
Indeterminate problems are those which cannot be determined unless they are placed in very specific situations. Simply put, the number of constants are too few; and the number of variables too many and they cannot be listed in a deterministic way. Consequently, there is not adequate information available. Such problems may not be solved accurately. We can arrive only at an optimized solution; the process for which starts with listing the known variables and making assumptions for the values of some of their values. Again, the idea being applied here is to work with (at least a few assumed) constants.
Problems in real life appear complex because it is extremely difficult to list all the constants and variables involved. Consequently, life becomes non-deterministic. A really smart man’s (good engineer’s?) life would appear easier, more complete and consequently happier, as there are not too many complex situations.
Truth is, he knows to break things down into simpler bytes. And for that, he knows to list the variables that matter and ignore the rest. He knows to apply appropriate values to the variables that fit his specific situation. He knows to define his situations.
Solving the problems in your life does not require more than what you have. It requires understanding who, what, how much and when you need. It requires ignoring the rest.
Engineer your life well.