Effects of starting your day early

Effects of starting your day early
I am in the US. It is 6:45 AM and I am fighting traffic to get to my 7:00 AM breakfast appointment on time. In India, it’s the same situation at 9:00 AM.
These timings are typical of all the ‘developed’ Vs ‘developing’ countries! Could there be a correlation between the time of day when a nation starts its day and its progress?
I believe there is!
I come from India and I love my Motherland. But I respect my culture more. That gives me the responsibility to reflect and talk about this honestly.
When I up at 4:00 AM, finish my prayer and get to the gym before 5:00 AM and am in my car by 6:30 AM to get to my office so I can be there by 7:00AM, there is clarity in my head and energy in my body to maintain the same level of clear thought and productivity throughout the day, until I retire at 10:00 PM. In contrast, when it is not until 9:30 AM that I have to get to work, there is an inadvertent laziness and slowdown at all levels. There more time lost in organizing and assembling resources, more effort involved in accomplishing the same thing and more chaos!
I am not a physician that knows anything about the effects of waking up or sleeping at a certain time Vs another on the pituitary gland or about the production on melatonin, etc. But, if what i described above is the effect that waking up and starting the work day early Vs late can have at an individual level, it can only be imagined what it will mean for an entire nation of people to have this effect collectively!
This, in my opinion is the reason why the nations that start their work days early are ‘developed’ where the rest of the nations are perpetually ‘developing’.
What are your thoughts?