Cyclic time and life….

The Wheel of Time
Life, as viewed on a linear time scale with a beginning and an end with a set of materialistic goals, creates a sense of urgency and resultant stress….
When things are moving per your plans, life seems good. When they move differently from our hopes and plans, we feel life is not good!
When we look at life in a rear view mirror, all things good and bad start to connect with each other… and if your deeds and thoughts have generally been on the path of righteousness, the connected dots draw a picture that enriches your life!
The problem is our linear perception of the time-scale…. Our finite purview!
Ancient Indian Wisdom tells us that time is cyclic and what we recognize as ‘this life’ is but a blip on that infinite cyclic time-scale. Viewed in the rear-view mirror, the connected dots will reveal a picture way more beautiful than we can ever visualize.
The realization, that everything that is happening, needs to be viewed on that larger timescale, replaces the feeling of stress and crisis with the liberating knowledge of a grander plan….
That plan is always in your favor… All you have to focus on are your deeds and thoughts! Time will never be an issue… it is infinite!