A professional organization….
I have often suggested to the teams which I have worked with, to make it a point to spend at least 15-20 minutes a day doing some reading outside of their normal work.
The entire essence of professionalism has somehow been lost in the modern day work sphere with little to no time investment going to professional development. Professionalism has come to mean doing exactly what is being asked of someone… No more, no less and ensuring that the compensation be collected with no let up….
Professionalism requires constant investment into the self… Constant learning… And sharing of what has been learn with ones co-professionals…
This healthy exchange of knowledge helps build a learning organization where everyone in the group not just learns a new concept everyday, but with the group exchanging these learnings, everyone gains from the collective learning.
This to me is the defining characteristic of a professional group… Wouldn’t we all not want to be a part of such an organization/ group?
Well… It starts with you being the professional you need to be… And then you become an instrument in enabling a professional learning organization.