The 80-20 rule for people…
You must have definitely heard of the 80-20 rule…. 80% of the work gets done in 20% of the time….
I contend that 80% of the work gets done by 20% of the people…. The remaining 80% (may) get the remainder done….
For those top 20% producers, the 80-20 rule again applies! And for the remaining 80% population, the same 20-80 rule applies!!!
The world in general and most organizations in particular are run and influenced by a tragically minor percentage of people, for the ones that really want to get it done are in short supply! And the progress that they make, is not by but in spite of the rest of those non-doers, nay-sayers, trouble-makers, complainers and litharge-mongers.
The world is filled with such people…. They obstruct progress, feel entitled and when they are asked to play their part, they tell you why they cannot or worse, why they will not! They don’t answer questions, but cross question…. And they garnish much support!
I have seen people stopping work as a means to be heard; people negatively influencing others as they feel that their self-centered cause is of higher importance than the greater progress of the mothership they sail in; people destroying the very fabric that has always invested in them and supported them; people causing chaos and property damage as a way to gain the status that they feel they deserve; people fighting bitterly to be officially branded “backward” so they may gain special privileges!!!
Are you in the top 20%? Are you able to map your actions to the qualities I have mentioned to truly determine where you belong???