Monthly Archive: January 2018

Choosing your entourage - Sashank

Choosing your entourage

The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people cannot be over emphasized. More often than not, you might find yourself having to decide between keeping a relationship and deliberately cutting that relationship loose....

Challenge or Struggle - Sashank

Challenge or Struggle

There is a fine line between challenge and struggle! When you take on a difficult task or put yourself in an uncomfortable situation willingly, it’s a challenge. When you are put in the same...

Everything needs maintenance - Sashank

Everything needs maintenance

“Everything needs maintenance” should be such a redundant statement! Yet there’s the constant need to state the obvious. When you birth a baby, is when your real task to grow and mature the baby...

The right people - Sashank

The right people

When the right people are not in the right jobs, the problem becomes visible and clear quickly. Systemic processes, tools and accountability measures cannot produce results like the right people can. Right people cannot...

Leadership and team - Sashank

Leadership and team

Leadership is defining what needs to be done really well, ensuring that everyone works on that very thing in one direction. It is trusting that each person will come through with their part. Leadership...

Internal conversation - Sashank

Internal conversation

Having a conversation that results in tangible positive change is difficult. It calls for both parties to gain a certain level of thought and emotional semblance that then converges into an agreement. That agreement...

Watch Lists - Sashank

Watch Lists

How many times have your said or heard someone say, “It was a slip”. Depending on where the slip occurred, it could be insignificant or pretty expensive. A mere “Sorry”, may not always recover...