Trying to quench curiosity can leave you dry…
There are two types of people… Those that share information openly and those that are curios….
The ones that share information are either very secure in what they are disclosing or are too enthusiastic about it or should I say ‘unaware’ and ‘naive’!!!
The curios ones that actually made it worth their while to ask are either going to use this information or have too much time in their hands!!!
Which ever way their curios brains sway them once they become preview to this information, its feeders end up spending time unnecessarily at a minimum or will more than likely find themselves cleaning up a mess!!!
The best way to stop feeding such negative curiosity is being selective about how much and with whom information is shared!
Knowledge is power indeed and you absolutely want to stay in control of who you empower; lest that very ‘power’ be used against you and leaves you wanting of the knowledge of how you got where you go to!!!