The Human Platform….

Human Platform
If you could do everything that you wanted to do all by yourself, you probably would want to rethink into what you want to do, for it may be worth nothing!
We are an interdependent species and we like to live in groups. At home, at work, in society… we always seek to find like-minded people who share our interests, our goals, our value system, our humor, our tastes…. It is that collectivism that has helped our species evolve and thrive as the dominant species on our planet.
Yet, when you look around you, you will probably wonder why things are moving as slowly as they do… everywhere! There is severe scarcity of honesty, integrity… people rarely stand up to their end of the deal!
Let’s set aside the spitefulness, the jealousy, the back-biting, the hatred, the hypocrisy, the sadism, the crime, the terrorism, the inhumane ghastly acts that most of us find hard to even comprehend. It is appalling to just look into our day-to-day interactions, that have become so very complex, given the immaturities, insecurities and fears that most people develop/ live with. One starts to wonder, why we have become so horribly self-preserving and insanely self-protective… even at the expense of the greater progress and collective benefit that everyone of us at the core, aspires for!
This is where Strong Leadership sets in…. The desperate human need to build a Human Platform, that protects, nurtures, straightens and binds it’s members, to focus on the whole. At the core, it is nothing more than leadership that promotes honesty and security…. An organism that views every person as a real person with his or her own needs and goals and enforces an unwritten, eternal preamble… a universal code… that teaches and motivates people to place the whole above the self!
If such a platform were to form the base of any family, relationship, organization, society or nation…. Such an organism is bound to propel! The converse is not necessarily true and would at best be an accident!
Leadership is about creating such a platform. And for that, the leader should live the life that he preaches. People here work for a mission…. They look down upon those that choose to live as mercenaries….
When collectivism and not self-centeredness becomes the philosophy of life… everyone puts aside his or her personal ego and want, for the needs of the whole, becomes the needs of the one!
Human civilization has seen but streaks of the benefits of such a platform, and each time, it was, crisis that prompted the birth of such pure a sentiment!
When leadership can birth, nourish and sustain such a platform over the long-haul… Is it then to be wondered why that organism has made such phenomenal a progress?
We can all but hope to be a part of such a platform… But for sure, we can work towards making the platform that we are a part of, grow to that standard!
Why settle for anything less?