Too many people talk about strategy without ever getting much done…. As commonly used a word as it is, “strategy” is one of the hardest to plot and execute on….
Be clear on what you are laying out your strategy for:
1. Is it to accomplish certain new goals that you have set forth for your organization or yourself?
2. Is it for eliminating some of the problems that you are currently facing?
3. Is it to improve specific aspects of your business, such as increasing your sales numbers, increasing your client base, improving your market positioning, etc?
4. Is it to diversify your existing portfolio?
Avoid rolling in too many goals into your strategy for then, you may be making it too complex to be realistic….
A good strategic plan has to be translatable into a good operational plan and the operational plan has to be measurable…. This is essential for you to be able to tangibly accomplish the goals for which you created your strategy.
Aim, at any time, to solve only a small number of problems or to accomplish a very small number of goals…. Your goals themselves may be big, but be clear on what you want to accomplish at that point in time….
– What is the most critical goal to accomplish…. most important or, even the most urgent as the case may be?
– What makes most business sense… what creates the most impact?
Keep your strategy simple, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and confined in time…. You will more than likely come out a winner on the other end!!!