You are committed to doing the very best at a relationship, personal or professional… you stand up to what is expected of you… you truly mean want what you say and have no hidden agendas…. You are being sincere!
But stuff goes wrong and such is life!
If you are sincere, you need to do these four things:
- Say, “I am sorry”
- Accept, “It was my fault”
- Ask, “How do I make it right?”
- Do, what you can to make it right.
Be sure however, to you pass everything through this one filter:
“Am I being sincere to myself?”
It is important that you do the very best. It is essential that you stand true to any reasonable code of conduct, not withstanding the boundaries of time and geography. However, it is also important that you don’t naively or foolishly cut a pound of your own flesh to fulfill what could be the selfish, unreasonable demands of a self-centered entity.
Let your sincerity to what you do, include you! It’s only when you care enough to protect your own interests, that you can sustain your intention to keep protecting the interests of those you care to protect.