Prejudice laden decisions taken from a singular view point….
You are only human and it is likely that you are put in situations for what ever reason, which may cause you to develop a negative or a positive view of people. This is how bias sprouts in most!
While it is understandable that you then become selectively blind to the good or the bad based on how your bias is oriented, taking decisions from that singular view point can often times lead you to uncomfortable places.
Let’s not try giving too many examples to establish this point, rather, reflect back on people centric decisions that you might have recently made.
Are there instances where you deliberately ignored someone’s shortcomings given your love for them and placed them in a position of responsibility? On the flip side, are there cases where you completely discounted the capabilities and the good that someone brought to you, out of your recently developed negative view of him?
It is amazing how all of us willingly walk into these self created traps all the time!
Decisions that have a wider and a long term impact better be freed from this self-destructive human trait!
Have the wisdom to see truth as visible from a wider field of view over time and capabilities as opposed to the constraining view of the bias blinder forcing you to see things in a snapshot in time or worse, from borrowed opinions!
Be more caring of yourself! Let not singular view points result in big bad decisions.