Playing teacher might back fire if done at an inopportune moment…
Recall a time when you were emotionally charged and someone tried to train you on appropriate behavior???
Your reaction dial would have swung somewhere between extreme frustration that you dealt with silently with your teeth clinched to a deliberate display of reckless anger which you would probably have done well releasing with some demonstrable display… of course based on how volatile you could have afforded to get, based on who you were dealing with, where you were and what you were willing to risk!
Well!!! The same applies to those around you… no matter how pure your intention, trying to teach may be perceived as being insensitive when one is emotionally low…
Playing Coach does not mean that you always get to coach…
Listening silently in certain cases can have way far reaching results than saying the best of things!!!
The most important aspect of teaching or leadership is often times “learning to listen”….