Are you insane?
It does not serve anyone well to just be good in theory and a dud in application… end of the day, it is about how you do things when it comes to practice…. On that note, what good does it do you to know the definition of insanity...
Entrepreneur, Technology Strategist, Innovator, Leader
It does not serve anyone well to just be good in theory and a dud in application… end of the day, it is about how you do things when it comes to practice…. On that note, what good does it do you to know the definition of insanity...
Recently, I was preview to a heated debate between a few of my acquaintances with a few contending that trees and plants have a soul and the other contesting the idea…. The discussion pulled several other species into the mix… animals, birds, sea creatures, etc…. It was interesting...
When you feel like you are running out of time, it just means that it is time to calm down, narrow your focus and move faster…. Fail this and you WILL run out of time!
Your problems are yours to deal with…. You are diminishing yourself when you discuss your problems with others…. it’s a sign of weakness and let’s accept it… no body respects nor wants to deal with weakness…. But there will be times when you will feel weak… and like...
You will have the time you need to accomplish your goals…. ….If you chop off all those items on your agenda which do not contribute up to the accomplishment of your goals…
It’s a problem when someone quotes a feeling as a fact… He is obviously confused and can be ignored or comforted based on how much you care…. Either case it is not your mistake! If however, the feeling becomes collective and everyone feels that way and you are...
In the long run, people will be pleased not by being pampered, but by making them successful… It may be defined differently by different people and at different points in time and under different circumstances, but success is all that really matters…. Whether success were academic, professional, financial,...
You often encounter these three types of people… Welcome the Critic… he is the one that will evaluate what you present and isn’t afraid of putting forward an opposing view. You may not like it… but a chance to hear an honest criticism is often times invaluable! Try...
Think about a sculptor… Give him a boulder… and he sees the beautiful sculpture hidden inside of it…. He chops off each piece of that boulder patiently…. carefully…. tirelessly…. He stays focused… he knows it is hard work… but he is relentless… It’s a combination of skill and...
When you select priorities, you have to choose among four criteria… What is important… what is urgent… what is short term Vs long term… what is realistic Vs idealistic…. If you do not make choices because you want to do everything… the result will be muddled. However, making...