Sashank Purighalla Blog

A lot to learn from History….

A lot to learn from History….

History teaches us about what happened… the people, the circumstances, the events! History is very important to know, for you learn what worked and what didn’t, how great things were done, which circumstances had to be weathered and which ones were leveraged… It talks about who did what...

Get started….

Get started….

If you knew precisely where you are going in life, how you are going to get there, what you need to know to get there, who will have to be by your side at each stage of your journey and the precise time you will hit each milestone...

Value by comparison…

Value by comparison…

Where metrics don’t apply, it is hard to express value except by comparison! I like ‘X’ more than I like ‘Y’ or, this movie was not as bad as that other movie or, the pain in my right knee is more than the pain in my left knee!...

A way out…

A way out…

There is always a way out! The two questions that speak to how you get out are: What are the stakes? What is your (assumed) level of responsibility? The stakes are always high! It’s the governing metrics that vary. Responsibility is never absolute! Where there are those that...

Instruments of change

Instruments of change

Why do you do it this way? The answer that you get invariably is “It has always been like that!”… Statuesque is rarely challenged and the longer something has been in place, the more the inertia… the fewer the questions about why it has to be that way!...

Infinitesimal, yet not insignificant…

Infinitesimal, yet not insignificant…

Watching the Solar Eclipse today was one of the most spiritually elevating physical experiences I have ever had. The sheer grandeur and the scale of the event was over-whelming! It’s the cosmic alignment of the earth, the moon and the sun…. As familiar as these three massive celestial...

A multi-dimensional world...

A multi-dimensional world…

The butterfly effect says that when a butterfly flaps its wings in China, there could be atmospheric changes in San Francisco. Scientists theorize that there are multiple dimensions that coexist and that the same person lives in each of these dimensions at the same time, each ‘avatar’ being...