Leader or Union Leader

Leader or union leader
A ‘Union Leader’ represents a group of people. He is convinced that his team’s rights must be protected at all costs. He cares for his people; often times, loved by his people! If they are asked to go over and beyond, he shields them from those unreasonable demands of management and in-turn, demands that the demands of his people take precedence. He is not afraid to fight with management and stick his neck out for his people. His people must prevail and management must understand! His mission is the wellbeing of his people.
A ‘Leader’, on the other hand, represents a mission greater than any single person or the group. He promotes a culture that prompts a greater level of human existence; of contribution, discipline, ethic and value. He has the clarity of vision to see the unseen, the ability to articulate a specific, measurable definition of the dream, the awareness of where he and his group can add most value, the maturity to build a strategy, the intellectual capacity to orchestrate an execution plan to accomplish goals, the emotional fortitude to do what is right for the whole even when it might be difficult for him and his immediate team and the passion and persistence to keep it going until the goal is accomplished.
The ‘Leader’ sees his team as a part of the whole . A ‘Union Leader’ sees his team as the whole.
Who would you rather be? What would you rather impact?