It is difficult to be good in this world

It is difficult to be good in this world
We have built a world where you assume to receive dishonesty and lack of integrity.
When you buy something, your first reaction is to ask for a lower price; you assume that the seller is marking his price up.
When your vendor tells you that something takes ‘X’ amount of time, your first reaction is that he may be quoting too much.
You travel in an airplane, and the searching and security checks assume that you may be that next bad guy.
Almost every rule in the national, legal or organizational book, ultimately ensures that your bad side is highly dissuaded from surfacing.
We live in a world that assumes you are potentially not good!
The challenge is quoting a price that is truly low and being accepted by your client as a great price.
The challenge is busting your rear to get something done on time after committing to an impossible target and getting him to truly recognize its value.
The challenge is being truly good at heart and intending the very best; yet, being slashed down as a potentially corrupt, dishonest person.
I come from a culture that teaches that man is potentially divine. The society we have built however, bases its structure around the principle that man is potentially sinful.
Reconciling these divergent philosophies is useless! You might as well swim with the current and realize that you are viewed no differently from everyone else, for the grease on everyone’s lens is not merely dust that may be blown off!
Be good, but expect not to be viewed as such!