It is Impatience and Intolerance that have crafted what we call our world today…
It is Impatience and Intolerance that have crafted what we call our world today…
The achievers… the enablers of change… the ones that dare to challenge statuesque… those that question tradition… those that cannot stand things taking too long… those that see inconvenience in what’s available to them… those that are not afraid of disagreeing… those to whom what they have is simply not enough… to whom the way things are done or work were not acceptable…
It’s them that I speak of…. It is their impatience… their intolerance… that has made the world what it is today….
We owe it to them that cared not for how it was, or what they had, or what they did not have… that they made it worth their while to bring forth the change that was needed…
These are the doers… These are the ones that have changed the world… for the better or for worse…. The rest are but sheep!
Now ponder over this….
The ones whose intolerance was for things and processes, helped the world move ahead….
The ones whose intolerance or impatience was for people and beliefs, brought about human degeneration….
It’s the same emotion… the target for its release that is different!!!
Where do you fit in this picture???