Impact of Modi’s policies on India

When you drive in India, you don’t just pay attention to the unruly traffic; you must necessarily watch out for unevenness of the road. I am not talking about potholes or an unexpected stone that has found its way somehow onto a highway. You might relate to the rude experience of your vehicle suddenly flying for a few seconds and then landing with a thud because there was horrible leveling on what otherwise seemed like a perfectly good looking road.
While traffic rules and imposing fines can fix issues with bad driving or possibly reduce foreign objects from finding their place on roads, this poor grade of how roads are laid is a result of contractors not conforming to the codes set by regulatory authorities.
I quoted an electrical government contractor as complaining about how the new government is forcing him to conform to standards in my recent article about who you should vote for in 2019. The contractor’s usual approach of bribery didn’t go too far under the Modi government.
Contractors that work on things that impact our everyday lives must build to standard. No government till date has taken steps that are this fundamental in nature. It may not seem like this is a big thing to an uneducated person that is incapable of thinking past himself. An intellectual mind that has seen the world and can directly relate to how such measures are a big deal in every developed country, can easily see the direct positive effect this will have on the life of a common man. It further translates to expensive projects such as construction of roads, laying of underground pipes, structural elements associated with generating and distributing power, etc., being done right the first time and not having to lose time, money and effort in redoing and patching up sloppy work over and over. It eliminates corruption as the number of such repeat projects comes down dramatically.
The fundamental difference between developed nations and developing nations is in who influences the formation of governments.
It is near impossible to explain such things to people that are struggling to make ends meet. They need to be taken care of, no doubt; but the decision of what needs to be done in order for them to get past their struggles can best be done by people that are past those struggles: the more responsible educated middle class.
We may not and need not agree with every single policy or initiative floated by Modi. But for a responsible mind, it should but be an obvious choice of who shapes the future of our nation.
It is sad to see the so called rationalists lose themselves to unnecessary discussions and debates centered around ideologies as opposed to focusing on the big vision that Modi is diligently executing.
The comprehensive approach that Modi is taking to impact every aspect of India to bring about the shift that can make India Great is non-trivial and should not be lost to the nation’s fickle-mindedness.
It is time for us to stop critiquing him. It is time we stop losing ourselves to the hypocritical selfish myopic corrupt politicians. It is time we come out in support of our great Leader and work together with him to make India the Nation it is capable of becoming.