Ignorance is not a very big problem
Ignorance is not a very big problem…. The bigger problem is ignorance of the fact that you are ignorant!
A majority if not all of the arguments and disagreements are because one or both parties feel smarter than to accept their ignorance and both are unwilling to budge.
An ignorant man can be taught…. When he recognizes or accepts that he is ignorant, there is rarely a dispute… It becomes a constructive discussion where both parties come out happier… On the contrary, an argument has to have a decisive win! And how many arguments has anybody truly won?
Learning stops when you don’t accept that there is some ignorance there… Even if it were about what may be causing the other party to take the stance that they are taking… And we appear meaner or more egoistic than we actually are!
Ignorance causes pain and the only remedy to this is recognition of the fact that there is ignorance by the ignorant party…
Can you think of 3 people that you feel are ignorant at some level that have caused your arguments lately?
Does your name show up in that list?
If it does not, think one more time… You may be dealing with a problem!!!