Category: Thoughts on Life

Where you are is perfect - Sashank

Where you are is perfect

My daughter told me a little while back how badly she wanted to be an adult. “It is so easy to be an adult. They never have homework”, was her argument. Remember feeling similarly...

Appropriate Communication - Sashank

Appropriate Communication

You could say the same thing in many ways. How you say it, determines how you are perceived. “How about we approach it this way?” as opposed to “I don’t like your approach”. “Could...

How do you see you? - Sashank

How do you see you?

Do you see commonalities between seemingly disparate things? Do you feel that everything is related to everything else? Do you think that the things you do today will impact the way things will turn...

The Challenge of Entrepreneurship - Sashank

The Challenge of Entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneurial Journey is exciting; what can be more fulfilling than working for oneself and realizing ones dreams? The challenge is, working for oneself involves working for everyone that you must work with: potential...

Taker or Giver - Sashank

Taker or Giver

You are a ‘Taker’ – A taker of help, a taker of credit, a taker of blame, a taker of responsibility, a taker of sympathy, a taker of love. You are a ‘Giver’ –...

Life’s a cricket match - Sashank

Life’s a cricket match

You know your team, you know your target, you know your required run rate, the players you have to watch out for and the pitch. You are on the high alert every minute lest...

Communication is key - Sashank Purighalla

Communication is key…

What you say is the input. How you understand it is your processing unit. How you communicate back is your output. If any of these three pieces are broken, it is a defective system....