Category: Leadership

Leader or union leader - Sashank

Leader or Union Leader

A ‘Union Leader’ represents a group of people. He is convinced that his team’s rights must be protected at all costs. He cares for his people; often times, loved by his people! If they...

Choosing your entourage - Sashank

Choosing your entourage

The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people cannot be over emphasized. More often than not, you might find yourself having to decide between keeping a relationship and deliberately cutting that relationship loose....

The right people - Sashank

The right people

When the right people are not in the right jobs, the problem becomes visible and clear quickly. Systemic processes, tools and accountability measures cannot produce results like the right people can. Right people cannot...

Leadership and team - Sashank

Leadership and team

Leadership is defining what needs to be done really well, ensuring that everyone works on that very thing in one direction. It is trusting that each person will come through with their part. Leadership...