I heard a long time back that “your freedom ends an inch away from the tip of his nose”….
All of us have drawn boundaries at some level… And it differs from person to person and from group to group… it even changes with the same entity from time to time or from place to place….
One essential aspect of EQ is understanding boundaries… of oneself, as well as those of the others….
When you draw a boundary, you are in essence defining how you want others to conduct themselves with you… what is acceptable to you and what is not… to what extent you are willing to trust or tolerate…
And to be able to effectively enforce those boundaries and to keep them enforced is a life long pursuit that will determine how well you are respected, trusted or otherwise….
Boundary also represents what you are not willing to go beyond…. And this is a very healthy way of living! You will command far more respect by always sticking to your boundary regardless the extent of freedom you (think) you are given….
Understanding and honoring others’ boundaries is a corollary to not transgressing ones own boundary!
Boundaries…. the way you have drawn yours… and the extent to which you have learnt to recognize and respect those of the others…. determines your character… others’ perception of your maturity and dependability!
Boundaries are your guides to creating and sustaining healthy relationships… it is an essential skill that will determine how you are viewed, as you journey through your life… as also, how you are remembered, after crossing your boundary over!!!