The blame game….

The blame game
As kids, most people have gone through the experience of blaming someone or something….
“It was not me… it was him”
“I could not do it because…. what ever reason…”
“My dog ate my homework!”
“But for him, I would have done it”….
It can seem pretty self-comforting to a kid to simply blame someone else and make himself feel good!
As kids, most don’t have the maturity and the intellectual honesty to be able to own up to their mistakes. And they can always look up to someone else to fix their problems! And then there is always your dad or your mom or someone older that can settle scores for you.
It is a pity that this attitude has become so deeply engrained in our DNA culturally and socially, that “someone else can or has already paid for our sins”, that it is totally alright to blame something else and get away with it… and live guilt free!
However, for those unfortunate few, who realize that blaming will not get them very far…. they know that the buck stops with them! There is no where to turn to except to look at oneself and determine the next course of action!
The thing is that, it is only those that come to this conclusion, that there is no one else to blame, that actually end up doing anything of consequence….
The rest can continue their ‘kid-hood’, playing the blame game, while the remaining few game the world!