Writing code does not make you an engineer

Writing code does not make you an engineer
I can measure and cut wood. I can drill holes. I can hammer nails in. I can select the right bricks and all things else that go into building a house.
But I cannot build a house! And no matter how many books I read and YouTube videos on ‘How to build a house’ I watch, I will build it wrong.
By the same token, the greatest builder of houses may more than likely mess up building a sky-scraper.
Building a type of Engineering structure requires a certain level of experience. There is a sequence of events, there is strength of materials, there are load bearing calculations, there is code conformity, etc, that can only be gathered by learning from a professional and through practice!
A medicine man is not a doctor. He is a quack.
The kid that knows to code is not a software engineer. He is a kid that knows to code!