The difference between great and mediocre
You will notice little difference in the day-to-day routines of a really successful and a very mediocre man. Yet over a span of time, these seemingly similar people that apparently lead similar lives see big differences in their accomplishments. Is this luck?
The difference lies not in capability nor in opportunity as much as it does in subtle everyday discipline and responsibility that lead to success Vs laziness and complacency that result in mediocracy.
How disciplined are you? Do you respond to people when you say you will, in the manner you are expected to, every time? Do you exercise? Are you controlled in what you eat? How do you spend those few minutes you might have for yourself? Do you have the maturity to resist that tempting moment? Do your actions and thoughts lead in to your long term goals? Do you think of the impact of your actions on the whole?
It is the answers to these questions that put you on one or the other side of the defining line. It is only you that has the answers to these questions. It is you that defines your success.