From Aspirant to Achiever

From Aspirant to Achiever
No person or entity has achieved anything predictable without the discipline of getting things done. It is only through a structured, methodical approach that you can hope to get from one point to another, on the pathway that you have chalked out, for realizing your goals.
Simply put, what determines whether or not you are able to accomplish your goals is, ‘Execution’.
As easy as the disciple of execution is to understand and articulate, it is in putting it into practice that most people and entities falter.
Most people view and understand the principles of Execution from a directive stand point. The challenge is in developing a prescriptive Execution methodology for the specific scenario that you are trying to succeed at.
A prescriptive methodology can be broken down into a series of repeatable steps that can then be listed, measured and automated. Such a methodology can be taught.
It calls for a deep level of understanding of the outcome, the current coordinates, the available resources and inherent discipline and maturity on the part of the individual that has been charged with execution to be able to produce such a prescriptive plan.
It is Execution that leads you from aspiration to achievement. But the level at which execution must be done needs you to make this disciple a part of your DNA.
Execution is an art and a science. Execution is the bridge that takes you from aspiration to achievement.