Surfacing conflicts….

Surfacing conflicts
Most people are uncomfortable with confrontation… they lack the strength to call out interpersonal problems that clearly may be looming right below the seemingly professional calm surface….
You must have, I am sure, witnessed instances, where people make deliberate attempts to ignore peoples’ problems… they want to pretend like everything is alright even when they are aware that there are conflicts ready to erupt….
When interpersonal conflicts are ignored, it usually serves no one well….
Communication channels are not clear thereby causing everything to take much longer. Business is impacted. There is drop in morale and emotions surface in places where it is not desirable….
The fact is, there are such problems everywhere… and most people have trouble dealing with conflicts… whether they are themselves involved or if it is between people that they manage…
If you are interested in making progress, bear the inner strength to take on these problems head-on….
Taking decisions under the false premise that no problems exist will only make such problems bigger.
A strong leader does not shy away from surfacing such conflicts…. He holds the emotional fortitude to take the bull by the horns….
Some of the biggest problems can be solved easily if you are committed to a good outcome and sincerely believe that the best outcomes come forth when people work together….
But all of that starts with surfacing the conflict openly!
If you are genuinely interested in the outcome and are able to communicate it strongly, yet professionally and with polity, everyone will fall in line!
Develop the courage to call people out early… clear communication lines… set the stage for a healthy environment!