Monthly Archive: March 2018

Gating criterion - Sashank

Gating criterion

“Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect”. Draw therefore, circles around you, that your countenance stays protected! And the ones that make it into each circle must stand the one gating criterion that you...

Is it adding up?

Is it adding up?

Is it adding up? Each time you have to start over, you are undoing a massive amount of time, intellectual and physical capacity, money and relationships. Each time you have to change strategy, location,...

Make a choice or else…

Make a choice or else…

Life often presents you with multiple roads to choose from. A choice is a must: whether it is you that is making it or nature deciding it for you! Choose, and you get to...

Your browsing history

Your browsing history

You will ultimately go, where you set course to, today. Go back to your YouTube account, your Facebook home, your web browsing history… What are the top 20 videos, articles and shares that you...