Taker or Giver
You are a ‘Taker’ – A taker of help, a taker of credit, a taker of blame, a taker of responsibility, a taker of sympathy, a taker of love. You are a ‘Giver’ –...
Entrepreneur, Technology Strategist, Innovator, Leader
You are a ‘Taker’ – A taker of help, a taker of credit, a taker of blame, a taker of responsibility, a taker of sympathy, a taker of love. You are a ‘Giver’ –...
Business & Sales / Leadership / Software Engineering
Innovator of the Year – Sashank Purighalla
January 31, 2019
Business & Sales / Leadership / Software Engineering
BOS Framework is Startup of the Year
January 31, 2019
Right size your “To do list”… Delegate and follow-up!
December 5, 2016
June 20, 2017
Handling the feeling of being lost….
May 23, 2017
March 9, 2017
Leadership requires high Emotional Intelligence…
January 21, 2017
November 26, 2016
Do not try cheating the tri-constraint….
April 9, 2017