Misdirected emotion
Have you been in situations where you were hated before you were ever introduced? Have you disliked someone for the reason that he was given a certain position without your consent or contrary to...
Entrepreneur, Technology Strategist, Innovator, Leader
Leadership / Professional Development
by Sashank Purighalla · Published December 9, 2017 · Last modified December 12, 2017
Have you been in situations where you were hated before you were ever introduced? Have you disliked someone for the reason that he was given a certain position without your consent or contrary to...
Business & Sales / Leadership / Software Engineering
Innovator of the Year – Sashank Purighalla
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Business & Sales / Leadership / Software Engineering
BOS Framework is Startup of the Year
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“I am right and you are wrong… Now let’s talk!!!”
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March 10, 2018
An Engineering Approach to Solving Life’s Problems
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How to sell anything to anybody
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You know if you are being fair….
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Direct communication to avoid confrontation…
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August 26, 2017