Monthly Archive: September 2016

Do you think you can map?

Do you think you can map?

When a general advise is stated, an issue mentioned in a generic manner without naming anyone or a good code prescribed, again without indicating who is to adopt it…. Everyone agrees with such a global...

Is it an apples to apples comparison

Is it an apples to apples comparison

You worked hard on building this awesome product and you are rather happy with the way you did your sales presentation. You hope for your work to be accepted welcomingly; however, contrary to your...



Credibility is the most important yet the most volatile asset! More so than building wealth, building credibility takes a lot of deposits; only a few withdrawals to lose completely…. Every action of your yours,...

Communication is all

Communication is all

Communication it’s probably the single most important aspect of human life as this is how what exists or arises in one’s system gets passed on to the others. Communication can be at a societal...

The 80-20 rule for people…

The 80-20 rule for people…

You must have definitely heard of the 80-20 rule…. 80% of the work gets done in 20% of the time…. I contend that 80% of the work gets done by 20% of the people…....

‘Productive’ Vs ‘Busy’

‘Productive’ Vs ‘Busy’

Were you busy today…. Switching effortlessly from one task to the other… Running around getting things rolling from one desk to the other… Answering a few emails here… Assisting someone with their tasks there…....