Will-power stems from Desire

Will-power stems from Desire
Regardless what you want to accomplish, will power is critical!
Will power is a derivative of desire… Channelized desire is a great thing! Saints attain “moksha” or “nirvana” or “redemption” from desire to attain the ‘Ultimate’!
And although in much smaller a measure, your good desires such as getting a 4.0 GPA, providing the very best you can for your family, creating an impact when you work, finishing that difficult project on time and within budget, feeding or educating the less fortunate, creating a global impact, etc, all require will-power.
When you say that you cannot do something, it does not necessarily mean that the thing that you are attempting is too difficult as much as you do not have the will power to get it done… Who has ever gotten everything he wanted the very first time? It takes going at it one more time… it calls for discipline… it calls for will power! It calls for desire!
When you want something so bad that the discomfort of not having it is higher than the discomfort of the toil that goes into it, you will accomplish it. We call this will-power.
What do you have the will power to do? What do you desire?
The last sentence of weighing the discomfort of not having it and The discomfort involved in doing it is a unique idea put forth beautifully. Yes it is all about strong desire leading to iron will power that determines success. Nice one