What is real?
When you dream… you see things… people… places… just like you do when you are awake…
It feels so real!!!
And some of those experiences stay on with you…
And when you are awake…you do see things… people… places… you are constantly adding on to your experiences…
What then is reality… your experiences from when you are awake… or your experiences from when you are asleep???
You could argue…. either both are real or both are but fictions of your imagination…
Let’s not try arguing that….
The one thing that is real for sure is your “experience”!!!
It is those experiences that you will carry on with you that end up making you the person you are… the person you become!!!
Hold on to every one of those experiences… for they make the only reality you will ever know!!!
The only thing that is real is “experience”… everything else is just a means to arriving at that reality….