The three essential questions….
You generally want to do something because you have a great idea and you are excited about what happens if everything goes right…. And this is a great motivator!
This is the one essential trait that keeps you going…. The belief that it will all work out for you!
95% of all great ideas however, fail…
Everything that fails was once a great idea!!!
Why do they fail?
Most people fail to ask themselves these three questions… or they don’t take the time to gather the data needed to answer them!
1. What could go wrong?
2. What don’t I know?
3. What don’t I see?
Wanting to do something is great…. But doing anything calls for skill… it calls for knowhow!
It’s not all about hard work. It is about data and knowledge…. And you must take the time that is required to gather that understanding to be able to answer these three questions in a pragmatic, non-emotional fashion.
Get into something only after you have analyzed the impact of the “what if it does not go right” question.
Once this data is available with you, create a write up of your idea… define the outcome you want to accomplish Vs the outcome you expect to accomplish in light of your data… Draft a detailed plan that includes your strategy and your operational methodology… Plot your milestones and the metrics to validate your progress against the gate criteria at a set periodicity!
Success then will not be left to chance… rather, it would be a projected outcome that can be quantified against the actual outcome….
It all starts with taking the time to ask yourself these three questions…. To create a scientific basis that helps you validate the efficacy of your great idea….