The lonely journey to the top

The lonely journey to the top
There are four types of people:
There are those few that are downright brilliant. They know more. Their ability to look at the right data points, understand it, analyze it, and take the right decision is higher than most. They may not enjoy nor need schools. And they recognize it about themselves. We see examples of people that are like that. These number in the tens across humanity.
There are those that make it big because they have worked extremely hard. And over time, they have acquired the ability to gather the right data and synthesize it in a manner where they are able to work at a higher level and influence great things. These number in the thousands.
These are the two types that run and determine the course of the world.
The third type, in general, are either contributors, followers or are of little to no consequence. There are in the billions.
I choose to take an exception to the total losers and the villains. What speak of them! These are the scum of humanity; type four! They are in the hundreds of millions.
If you are not born into the tens of type ones, you certainly can choose to be in those thousands of type twos. You just have to apply yourself to it.
They say that being up top is a lonely place. The journey to greatness is a lonely journey. But such a journey is the only journey worth taking.
It is possible to get there! Then why not do it?