The importance of relearning and de-learning
The Universe has you blessed with natural endowments that give you your own unique abilities to accomplish the purpose of your birth….
If you try recollecting your earliest childhood, you will remember that you would have been aware of the general area you are (still) interested in… You might also recollect how you probably knew that you held the capability of journeying in that direction… of being successful in accomplishing your goals… towards achieving the purpose of your birth….
That should explain the sheer hope and drive and confidence that most of us have earlier on in life….
Over time however, a few “lucky” ones have made it big, whereas, most of the others had more number of set backs than successes… or may be, we never went in the direction at all!!!
What is the difference?
One aspect separating the ones that are successful from the ones that are not as successful is how well or otherwise each person has paid attention to his subtle childhood memories… how well he has retained it….
Our thinking is subject to constant seasoning and conditioning. We have people always telling us how things are difficult… how we are limited in our abilities. Over 95% of our learnings and teachings toil around us leading an ordinary life… a life that is “normal”, with little risk….
We are taught how we are limited… established concepts are drilled into us as the only way things should be looked at… challenging the norm is often times considered an outrage…. And life keeps moving on! The normal disappointments and the struggles…. Everything ultimately teaches us to ‘be content with what we have’….
In this backdrop, it is absolutely critical that we de-learn all those aspects that limit our desire to shoot for the stars… It is absolutely critical that we relearn to dream big… to remain positive that we are meant for big things….
There have been many ‘greats’ on this planet…. You knew once that you can be one of them….
All it takes is to get back to your core knowledge that you are one of them!