Identifying your interests

Identifying your interest
You tend to succeed at what you are happy doing. And you tend to be happy when you do what you know you are good at. What comes first? How do you identify your interests?
Interest can easily be confused with what gives you pleasure. If your interest in something wanes off quickly, you were probably not interested in it. It was fun for a period. Chances are, you out grew it.
Interest on the other hand lives longer. It is what gives you happiness. You pursue it over the long haul. The stress, the hard work, the occasional frustrations that might come with it then do not seem as difficult to surmount. You stick to it. You pursue it for it ignites your creativity and your passion to excel. You have little trouble doing what it takes: learning, reading, asking the right questions, going at it over and over.
What have you done lately that was fun? What are you doing that interests you? Can you identify?