Handling the feeling of being lost….
When things don’t go the way you had planned or hoped for, especially over a span of time, the natural tendency is for you to feel discouraged, sometimes, down to the point of feeling lost.
While no body likes living in such a state, most people do not do anything but wait for ‘something’ to come by or for things to ‘somehow’ resolve themselves….
Know this…. Inaction is worse than doing something that may not be completely relevant….
The worst thing that you can do is not doing anything…. You end up feeling lower about yourself, lose confidence further and slip in your own esteem.
Do not ever commit the mistake of not doing anything… do not commit the mistake of justifying whiling away your time in the name of waiting to regain your thoughts.
Remember…. You are not the only one suffering…. but, if you do not do anything about it… you will probably end up being one of those few that have failed to get past that feeling of being lost!
It is but natural that you cannot work at your full potential for a certain period… It is understandable that you are not going to be able to make the wisest of decisions until your presence of mind has returned to you…
But get to doing something regardless! Do not talk about your problems… talking about them will never solve them…. Acting upon them will!
When you start getting out and interacting with people and start helping them with their troubles and start looking for newer opportunities and just keep yourself on the move…. that next path will reveal itself!
The only way to get to that next path quickly is ‘Action’….
Don’t fret over the feeling of being lost. Many times, it is the ones that actually do a lot that face this situation…. and when you have gotten yourself past it, you would only have a better you…. More mature, more knowledgeable and experienced, more thankful and taking less for granted…. All signs of a Successful Man!