Goodness in Strength Vs Goodness in Weakness

Goodness in Strength Vs Goodness in Weakness
There are two types of good people… Those that are good because they are strong and those that are good because they are weak….
A strong person does the right thing for he wants to ensure that good happens! To him, ‘good’ translates to ‘what’s right’. He does not have a problem putting his associations and beliefs aside for the cause of letting the greater good stand, for his ultimate affiliation and loyalty is only to what is right!
A weak person on the other hand has his loyalties pre-set… Invariably, it is to those that make him feel strong. He wants to do good, but his definition of ‘good’ is ‘what suits his kin… what suits himself’. Regardless how honorable or otherwise his actions might seem to him or to the others, he takes comfort in justifying them to himself. This is not about being ‘right’ as much as wanting to be perceived as being ‘right’… It is not about being ‘good’ as much as it is about wanting to be known as being ‘good’.
What type of a good man would you rather be… the strong or the weak kind? Look into yourself as you answer…. It takes a lot to be the strong-good kind!